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Strategic Priorities

In 2023, the Town of Altona Council engaged in an in-depth strategic direction review, including input from the community. Their goal was to identify the key priorities to help inform decision making and direction going forward. During that process, several key strategies arose, as well as the primary focus areas for those strategies to be applied.

Key Strategies:

Making Fiscally Responsible Decisions

Making good decisions starts with good information. Council is committed to using a data-driven approach to make decisions that are right for the community, using sustainable funding models, and seeking out funding opportunities. Making fiscally responsible decisions means investing in care and upkeep to protect our existing assets, and ensuring that appropriate resources are allocated to support operations. It also means exploring new and different solutions to address operational requirements, and collaborating with community and regional partners for shared success.

Practicing Good Environmental Stewardship

To take care of the environment is to take care of our future. The Town of Altona is committed to adopting a sustainability lens when making decisions for the future of our community. Seeking out opportunities to reduce the community’s environmental impact, and to improve the climate resiliency of our community are core to being responsible environmental stewards.

Preparing for Sustainable Growth

As the community continues to grow, it is important that all sectors grow at a similar pace. This means that industrial development, commercial development, residential development, and population should all grow together. As the community grows, there will be increased need for municipal services, and ensuring that the organization, assets and resources are growing at the appropriate rate will help ensure long-term success for the community. 

Primary Focus Areas:

Recreation and Culture

Altona is a town with robust recreational and cultural assets, developed with forethought and vision by our predecessors. Council is committed to using its key strategies to care for and maintain the existing assets and create a long-term plan for upgrading or renewing these assets.

Recreation and Active Transportation Master Plan

Transportation Infrastructure

Caring for the infrastructure that keeps our community moving is critical. Council is committed to using its key strategies to care for existing transportation infrastructure assets, like roads, sidewalks, and trails, and plan for the future.

Economic Development

By fostering economic growth, we pave the way for a vibrant, prosperous, and resilient community where opportunities are plentiful, and innovation thrives. The Town of Altona will use its key strategies to promote and support economic growth, including supporting the skilled worker pool by continuing to attract and support the integration of newcomers into our community and by preparing for development across all sectors.

Organizational Strength

The Town of Altona provides many strong, essential services to their residents, and ensuring that those services remain excellent requires focusing on the strength of the organization. The Town of Altona will use its key strategies to ensure that operations are well supported, and as an organization, will plan for future growth in a spirit of truth and reconciliation.