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Canada Day Celebrations

Town of Altona Celebrates Canada Day!!

Join us at the Millennium Exhibition Centre and Rhineland Pioneer Centre on July 1, 2024 for a community celebration, featuring live music, good food, and family fun!

  • 1:30 – 9:00 pm: Free Public Swimming at the Altona Aquatic Centre (watch social media for weather updates)
  • 4:00 – 10:30 pm: Food Trucks (located on the ice surface in the arena)
  • 4:00 – 7:00 pm: Free Inflatables and Cotton Candy (located on the ice surface in the arena)
  • 4:00 – 8:00 pm: Scavenger Hunt 
    • The Altona Recreation Dept will have Scavenger Hunt cards ready at the Altona Recreation Office and Altona Aquatic Centre for pickup and the have till Monday, July 8 to return their card to the Altona Recreation Dept. Winner will be announced later that week
  • 4:00 – 8:00 pm: Prancing Pony Petting Zoo (located on the ice surface in the arena)
  • 4:00 pm - Tamiya Mini 4wd Racing (located in the MEC lobby)
  • 5:00 pm - Bike Decorating Contest and Parade 
    • If you have decorated your bike, trike, or scooter, send us a photo via email to to be entered to win a prize. Please have those submissions in by 9:00am on Wednesday, July 3 
  • 5:00 – 7:00 pm - Free Kiddie Carnival presented by Manitoba Sunflower Festival Queen Quest (located on the ice surface in the arena)
  • 6:30 pm: Free Watermelon & Rollkuchen (located in the MEC Lobby)
  • 7:30 pm: Free Canada Day Cupcakes (located in the MEC Lobby)
  • 8:00 pm: Opening Ceremonies (located in the Rhineland Pioneer Centre)
  • 8:15 pm: Live Band – The Pylons (located in the Rhineland Pioneer Centre)
  • 9:15 pm: Manitoba Sunflower Queen Quest Introductions (located in the Rhineland Pioneer Centre)
  • 9:30 pm: Live Band – Nick of Time (located in the Rhineland Pioneer Centre)
  • 10:30 pm: Closing Remarks
  • 10:30 pm: Fireworks (At Dusk/Weather Dependent)

Things to do for Canada Day: Reflect and Learn
Listen to and learn about the stories of Indigenous Peoples in Canada:

The Seven Sacred Laws

This animated web series written by Anishinaabe Elder Dr. David Courchene, directed by Indigenous filmmaker, Erica Daniels of Peguis First Nation, and created by Manitoba’s Peg City Pictures Inc. tells the stories of Indigenous Peoples in their own voices.

Learn about the Residential School System first-hand from Residential School Survivors, Elders, Knowledge Keepers, artists and leaders from nations across the country through this educational video program hosted by the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation in September of 2020.

Read the reports from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada.

Reflect on the impact of residential schools on Canada’s history, and what we can do to continue working towards reconciliation.