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Equal Access Altona

Equal Access Altona is a sub-committee of Council that consists of staff, Council, and members of the community. The group meets regularly to discuss opportunities to remove and prevent barriers to access.

Current members:
Sarah Cail, Accessibility Officer
Clint Derksen, Public Works Manager
Eric Hildebrand, Recreation Services Manager
Perry Batchelor, Councillor
Elaine Turnbull, Community Member
Wendy Friesen, Community Member
Shauna Giesbrecht, Community Member

Accessibility Plan

The Town of Altona is committed to ensuring equal access and participation for people with disabilities. We are committed to treating people with disabilities in ways that allow them to maintain their dignity and independence.  We believe in inclusion.  We are committed to meeting the needs of the people who face accessibility barriers.  We will do this by identifying, removing and preventing barriers and by meeting the requirements of The Accessibility for Manitobans Act (AMA).

2024-2025 Accessibility Plan

Feedback Process

The Town of Altona encourages feedback on the way it supports accessibility and inclusiveness. In particular, the Town of Altona invites input on how we can improve accessibility by eliminating barriers so we can continually improve our services and program for the community.  Those who wish to provide feedback are encouraged to contact the Accessibility Officer, in any of the following ways:

in person: Altona Civic Centre, 111 Centre Avenue East, Altona, MB, R0G 0B0

by mail: Accessibility Officer, PO Box 1630, Altona, MB, R0G 0B0

by telephone: 204.324.6468

by fax: 204.324.1550

by email:

All feedback will be directed to the Town of Altona’s Accessibility Officer and/or Equal Access Altona, the Town of Altona's Accessibility Committee, who will provide timely responses to feedback submitted, whenever possible.