We are not currently hiring for any positions.
A Police Career
As a police recruit with the Altona Police Service you begin your career as a patrol constable, and will be expected to provide basic police service to the citizens of Altona. You will be responsible for answering all calls for police service during your shift. Your workday will always provide variety. No one-day is exactly the same as the next. From responding to citizens’ complaints to writing traffic tickets, police work is an exercise in perpetual learning. We expect you to make your own decisions in many cases where there are no textbook solutions.
You will abandon any pre-conceived notions you have accrued about police work through glamorized television portrayals of shoot-outs and car chases. Police work is much different from this portrayal and you will discover it is a challenging, rewarding and fulfilling profession. You are given a level of authority, responsibility and community status unsurpassed by most other careers.
Our police officers surpass the “norm” and become part of the community they serve. As you become intimately familiar with neighborhood addresses, individuals and problem areas, you develop long-term strategies for resolution. In the Altona Police Service, we look beyond each individual complaint and try to deal with the real issue as to why the complaints are occurring. As your experience progresses, opportunities exist for you to expand your skills and further your personal development. A career in the Altona Police Service is in reality several careers rolled into one.
Great care is taken to ensure that the right people are selected to become members of the Altona Police Service. Once selected, and if you have no previous recruit training, you will enter an extensive recruit training program with either the Brandon Police Service, or Winnipeg Police Service. Recruit training is designed to give you the skills you need to excel in your new career. Upon graduation, you return to serve the citizens of Altona, and work with the community. Prior to recruit training, you will be asked to sign a contract with the Altona Police Service.
Minimum Standards
- Age: Not less than 18 years of age
- Residency: Must be a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident.
- Education: Completed Grade XII in Manitoba, or achieved a Grade XII standing through General Education Development (G.E.D.) or a standing the Chief of Police deems not less than Gr. XII in Manitoba.
- Driver's License: To Apply: Hold a valid Manitoba class 5-F license.
- Health: Excellent health and physical condition. In order to progress through the competition applicants must successfully pass a physical fitness test. Do not underestimate this requirement, prepare in advance.
- Criminal Record: Must have a clear criminal record. An application will not be processed where there is an outstanding criminal prosecution against the applicant.
- Vision: Aided & Unaided Visual Acuity Applicants who require visual aids (glasses or contact lenses) must have vision of 20/60 (6/18) in one eye, 20/200 (6/60) in the other OR a combination of 20/80 (6/24) in both eyes, or better, without visual aids. Vision must be correctable to 20/30 (6/9) in each eye.
- Writing: Good writing skills are required. An integral component of an officer’s duties is their ability to write effectively. A spelling test and or essay are included in the competition.
Lateral Entry Applications
Applicants that are presently employed as Canadian Police Officers, and have successfully completed recruit training at a major center in Canada, may be eligible to apply for lateral entry. To qualify, candidates: Must meet the Altona Police Service minimum standards; Must submit all required application documents; At the discretion of the Chief may be subject to the same selection process as all other applicants; Must be eligible for an honorable discharge from their current place of employment; Non-acceptance for lateral entry does not exclude eligible persons from competing as untrained applicants.
A successful lateral entry candidate: Must satisfactorily complete a probationary period commencing on employment and ending one year after completion of academic/field training. Must have no major disciplinary convictions during employment as a police officer, and no outstanding internal investigations at the close of the competition.
Selection Process Summary
Advancement through the selection process is dependent upon successfully completing each stage. Additionally, be aware that the application process is a competitive exercise. Your qualifications and test scores will be examined and measured against the scores of all other applicants in the process to judge your overall competitiveness for selection.
- Application evaluation: Applications are reviewed to ensure candidates meet the basic requirements and packages are complete. They are then evaluated against one another.
- Selection of Long List: Approximately 5-15 candidates are chosen to continue the contest.
- Work-Related Education Test & Essay: Candidates will be required to participate in a job-related examination and or essay writing contest. The essay is to be approx. 300 words in length (topic provided at time of writing).
- Physical Fitness Test: A high standard of physical fitness is required for employment with the Altona Police Service. Candidates must successfully complete a Physical Ability Test.
- Initial Interview
- Selection of Short List: Approximately 3-6 candidates are chosen to continue the contest.
- Background Investigation: After a comprehensive background investigation on chosen Short List candidates (may include an interview and polygraph examination), All Long List candidates are notified.
- Interview #2: Applicants may be requested to supply fingerprints at this time.
- Final Selection: Candidate(s) approved for hiring is/are selected. ALL remaining candidates are notified.
Termination of Application Policy
- If a candidate’s application is terminated at any stage, due to competitive standards not being met, a new application is necessary to re-enter any future competition.
- All test results are the exclusive property of the Altona Police Service. Candidates are not advised of test results. Candidates’ applications may be terminated, without appeal, at any stage of the selection process due to the applicant’s inability to compete with other applicants.
Required Application Documents
The Altona Police Service selection process is an open competition that results in the best candidate(s) being offered employment. Be aware that all phases of the selection process are a competitive process. You are not only competing against the minimum standards but also against every applicant in the process. To initiate the selection process, you must complete and include all the following documents.
- Application for Engagement: This form must be completed in full, ensuring that you have dated and signed it.
- Personal Resume: Include Document #2 within resume: Here you may include more information about yourself if you desire, and include additional detail on things not covered in the Application form, such as job descriptions and related skills, etc. Two letters of reference are required.
- Medical Clearance Form: A doctor, providing consent that you are medically fit to participate in a Physical Fitness evaluation must complete this form
- Authorization Form
- Drivers Abstract: An original driver’s abstract obtained from the Motor Vehicles Branch office(s) dated not more than one month before the date of this application from each jurisdiction in which the person holds/held a driver’s licence within the past three years. Fees may vary depending upon the agency. More than 6 demerits on your Manitoba licence will disqualify your application.
- Vision Report: An ophthalmologist or optometrist must complete a Vision Report. To facilitate the Optical Examination, contact lenses must not be worn for a 48-hour period prior to the examination.
- Photocopy of Birth Certificate OR Proof of Citizenship
- Photocopy of Grade XII or G.E.D. Diploma and marks: Include a photocopy of transcript of Grade XII or G.E.D. marks.
Applications that do not contain all of the above will be considered incomplete and will not be accepted. Related costs will be incurred by the applicant.
Completed applications should be either mailed or hand delivered to the following address:
Altona Police Service
Application for Police Constable
Altona Civic Center
Box 1809 Altona Manitoba
Questions can be answered by calling the Altona Police Service administration phone line at (204) 324-5373, Monday - Friday between 8:30 am and 5:00 pm.